Did you know? Thanks to our engineering team, you can now force a specific language for the Returns Portal by passing a URL parameter. How?
Add the locale keyword to your Returns Portal URL. You would be adding (if the language is English) &locale=en.
Example: https://returns.richcommerce.co/return/new?c=YOUR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER&locale=en. Of course, you would insert your unique identifier from your Rich Returns dashboard.
The code must be a two-letter short code for languages. You can find a collection of two-letter language codes here.
Important to note: Please make sure that either Rich Returns has your desired language available as a pre-translated language or that you have added the language as a Custom Language in the Rich Returns dashboard.
Useful for: Especially useful if you support multiple storefronts. Let's say you have a German and English storefront. You could easily link to the EN one and the DE one, and have the portal show up in the desired language immediately.