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Photo Uploads Add-On / Let customers upload photos for a return
Photo Uploads Add-On / Let customers upload photos for a return

Learn how to enable the Photo Upload Add-On.

Andrej Janev avatar
Written by Andrej Janev
Updated over 2 months ago

How to activate your Photo Uploads Add-On?

  1. Head over to Account -> Your Plan.

  2. Once you're there, check the Add-Ons under the plans. The Photo Upload Add-On will show up there under each plan. Check the box to ensure that you have selected the Add-On. Once you check the box, press the Choose plan button under the plan you're looking to subscribe with.

  3. In the subscription dialog, you should be able to see that the Photo Upload Add-Ons amount has been added to your total subscription This means that you have successfully selected the add-on and it will be active once you complete the subscription process.

  4. That's it! Let's jump into the next part of configuring the photo uploads.

How to configure your photo uploads?

  1. Now that we've ensured that we're all set, let's tailor our add-on to align with our requirements. First though, we need to find it. Head over to Configuration -> Returns -> Customer Photo Uploads.

  2. Before we enable our add-on, let's Configure it first.
    You will see that a new dialog opens up - and in this dialog, we're able to play with a few things:
    - Min photo - the minimum number of photos required from your customers.
    - Max photo - the maximum number of photos required from your customers.
    - Title - based on the number of photos you request, Title fields will show up for each photo. You can edit the text and make sure it aligns with what you require from your customers.

  3. Now that we're all set, let's get back and edit the Description text. This text simply serves to describe the process to your customers. You can pour your soul into it if you like, of course! There are no boundaries.

  4. That's it! Next time your customers try to submit a return, they will be prompted to upload that if:
    - You have a minimum of 0 photos, this means that photos will not be a requirement for your customers. They will still be able to bypass the screen without uploading a photo. If you want at least one photo to be required, make sure to enter 1 as the value for the minimum number.

You're all set! Never miss a photo again.

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