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QR Code Labels
Andrej Janev avatar
Written by Andrej Janev
Updated over 9 months ago

Yes, that's right. You can now enable QR Code Labels in Rich Returns.

This feature is currently available for USPS and is supported through the EasyPost integration. You can create a QR Code Label that requires no printing on the customer's side. The postal workers will just scan the QR code from the email or mobile app, and voila, the shipment is good to go!

Where to enable this feature? This feature can be enabled in your Automatic Prepaid Label configuration dialog. Path to follow: Return settings -> General -> Return methods -> Pre-Paid Return Label (automatic) -> Configure.

Accordingly, you would also need to update your email templates. Including the appropriate variable, which is {LABEL_QR_CODE_DOWNLOAD_LINK}, will make sure to include the QR code in your customer's email.

Ready? Set? QR CODE!

Note: we'll still store the PDF version for the customer as a backup. Good practice is to offer the customer both options, meaning QR-Code printerless label + PDF print label. Just make sure to include both dynamic variables in the email template and we'll take care of the rest.

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