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Shippo Auto-Tracking

Configure your Shippo integration to automatically change the status of your returns!

Andrej Janev avatar
Written by Andrej Janev
Updated over a month ago

We support Auto-Tracking for Shippo thanks to our deep integration with the platform. If you're interested in setting this up, you're at the right spot. Let's go!

  1. I'm assuming that you already have Shippo set up, so let's skip that part. If that's not the case, simply follow our guide here for detailed instructions.

    Go to Configuration -> Prepaid Labels and Edit your Shippo configuration.

  2. Let's enable Auto-Tracking and make sure that we copy the link from our settings. That's the Webhook URL we need to paste into our Shippo settings. More on that in the next step.

  3. We have the link, now let's head over to our Shippo dashboard. You can follow this link.

    Press the Add Webhook button from the screen.

  4. We'll see that a few empty fields show up, which we need to populate to complete our configuration. Let's do it.

    (1) Event Type: We choose Track Updated here.
    (2) Mode: Live.
    (3) URL: This is the Webhook URL we pasted from our Rich Returns settings.
    (4) Save!

That's it! Enjoy a whole new world of automation with Shippo :-)

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