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GET - List all returns
GET - List all returns

Retrieves a list of returns

Andrej Janev avatar
Written by Andrej Janev
Updated over 8 months ago

Retrieve a list of returns

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of returns.






Default: displays all statuses Possible Values: Pending, Approved, Shipped, Received, Resolved, Rejected



Default: DESC Possible Values: DESC, ASC



Default: 25 Possible Values: Number between 0 and 100



"rma" value of return from last page of results Format: RMA-3294232429



Minimum Date the return was created Format: 2020-05-02



Maximum Date the return was created Format: 2020-05-09




Authentication token in the format of "RichReturnsToken xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"



Returns successfully retrieved.

Available Parameters in the response

Returns Array contains an array of return-objects

rma the unique Return-Merchandise-Authorization number. Used as an id to retrieve a single return or issue a POST request for a single return

status status of the return

  • possible values

    • Pending

    • Approved

    • Shipped

    • Received

    • Resolved

    • Rejected

method the selected return method for a return

  • possible values

    • methodCustomerChoice - customer is responsible for return shipping

    • methodInStore - return in a local store

    • methodLabelCreation - automatic prepaid label

    • methodLabelManual - manual prepaid label

staffNotes internal staff notes saved inside the merchant dashboard

createdAt date the return was created

labelFeeAmount if a label fee has been set. If no currency is specified in a different field the amount is in your store's default currency.

restockingFeeAmount if a restocking fee has been set. If no currency is specified in a different field the amount is in your store's default currency.

photoUploadUrl1 Photo Upload Add-On. Contains the URL to the photo, otherwise null.

photoUploadUrl2 Photo Upload Add-On. Contains the URL to the photo, otherwise null.

photoUploadUrl3 Photo Upload Add-On. Contains the URL to the photo, otherwise null.

labelObjectId Automatic Prepaid Label. Unique identifier from the Label-Platform.

labelStatus Automatic Prepaid Label. If present, then labelStatus is SUCCESS or ERROR

labelTrackingNumber Automatic Prepaid Label. Tracking number we receive from the carrier.

labelTrackingUrl Automatic Prepaid Label. Tracking URL we receive from the carrier.

labelUrl Automatic Prepaid Label. Link to the file of the prepaid label.

labelAmount Automatic Prepaid Label. Label cost we receive from the carrier or platform.

labelCurrency Automatic Prepaid Label. Label currency we receive from the carrier or platform. ShipStation does not transmit this value, null in this case.

orderId id of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderNumber number (not the order name) of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderDate date of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderCurrency currency of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderTotal total of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderLineItemTotal line item total of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderDiscount discount of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderTax tax of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderTags tags of the original order in the Shopify store, comma separated list.

orderDiscountCodes discount-codes of the original order in the Shopify store, comma separated list.

orderPaymentGateway payment-gateway value of the original order in the Shopify store.

orderFulfillmentLocationId fulfillment location of the original order in the Shopify store.

customerEmail customer email of the original order in the Shopify store.

customerFirstName customer first name of the original order in the Shopify store. Note: this can be different from the shipping address' first name.

customerLastName customer last name of the original order in the Shopify store. Note: this can be different from the shipping address' last name.

customerMobile mobile phone number of the original order in the Shopify store.

customerLocale customer locale of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressFirstName shipping address first name of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressLastName shipping address last name of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressAddress1 shipping address street line 1 of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressAddress2 shipping address street line 2 of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressCity shipping address city of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressZip shipping address zip of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressProvince shipping address full province name of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressProvinceCode shipping address procvince-code (e.g. CA) of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressCountry shipping address full country name of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressCountryCode shipping address country-code (e.g. US) of the original order in the Shopify store.

shippingAddressPhone shipping address phone number of the original order in the Shopify store.

Products Array contains an array of line-items for each return in the Returns Array

lineItemId line item id of the original order in the Shopify store.

lineItemPrice line item price of the original order in the Shopify store.

lineItemDiscount line item discount of the original order in the Shopify store.

lineItemTax line item tax total for the original quantity of items in the order.

lineItemQuantity original quantity of items for the line-item in the order.

returnItemQuantity selected return quantity.

returnItemReason selected return reason.

returnItemResolution selected return resolution, technical value.

Possible values

  • refundToOriginal - Refund to original payment method selected

  • refundToCredit - Store Credit selected

  • refundToExchange - Exchange selected

  • refundToCustom1 - Custom Option 1 selected

  • refundToCustom2 - Custom Option 2 selected

  • refundToCustom3 - Custom Option 3 selected

returnItemResolutionLabel selected return resolution, full value

Possible Values

  • Refund

  • Store credit

  • Exchange

  • Full values for Custom options 1,2,3 are set by the merchant in the dashboard

returnItemNote note for the return line-item.

productId product id of the original order in the Shopify store.

productName product name of the original order in the Shopify store.

productVendor product vendor of the original order in the Shopify store.

productImageUrl product image url of the original order in the Shopify store.

productTags product tags of the original order in the Shopify store, comma separated list.

productWeightInGrams product weight in grams of the original order in the Shopify store.

variantId variant id of the original order in the Shopify store.

variantSku variant SKU of the original order in the Shopify store.

variantName variant name of the original order in the Shopify store.

inventoryItemId inventory item id of the original order in the Shopify store.

stockLocationId stock location id of the original order in the Shopify store.

exchangeItemVariantId exchange item variant id (if applicable).

exchangeItemVariantName exchange item variant name (if applicable).

exchangeItemPrice exchange item variant price (if applicable).

exchangeItemWeightInGrams exchange item weight in grams (if applicable).

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