Christmas is coming up! A wonderful time of the year. You're wondering - can I set up an extended return timeframe for specific orders? Maybe orders created within a certain timeframe? Or orders tagged with a specific tag?
Yes, and what follows are the steps in setting this up!
Head over to Configuration -> Advanced Rules.
Add a name. Example "Christmas Orders - Extended Return Timeframe".
Choose the Order Date Range trigger from the dropdown menu or any other trigger. You can also base the rule on Order Tags, which would be a very common and popular choice.
Select the order date range that you wish to extend the return timeframe for, e.g., Dec 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023 or all orders made in December.
Go to Rule Effects and check the box next to Allow Returns.
Go to Other Options and enable a Custom Return Timeframe. Input your desired timeframe for these orders and Save.
That's it! Now all orders made in December will have an extended return timeframe.